Pirate Jim's Aloha ka Poalua Kanikapila reminder - October 24, 2017

This weeks jam will be at JJ's House! 

When: Tuesday October 24, 2017 - 7:30-9:00pm

Where: 2002A 26 Ave NW

How Much: FREE

Why: Because we can and we should!

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Pirate Jim's Aloha ka Poalua Kanikapila reminder - October 17, 2017

This weeks jam will be at Lister House

When: Tuesday October 17, 2017 - 7:30-9:00pm

Where: 355 Schubert Pl NW

How Much: FREE

Why: Because we can and we should!

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Copy of Pirate Jim's Aloha ka Poalua (Aloha Tuesday) Kanikapila reminder - October 3, 2017

Well, what do you say after everything that happened yesterday? A lot has been said already and I really can not add anything other than we all need more Aloha. More and more! Let it in your heart and let it increase in power and size so that our hearts become so full they feel like they will explode! This starts with community and we HAVE it! Let's grow it together tonight at my Kanikapila!

This weeks kanikapila will be at John and Cherie Musselwhite's home

How Much: FREE

Why: Because we can and we should!

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Pirate Jim's Aloha Tuesday Kanikapila - September 19, 2017

This weeks kanikapila will be held in the lobby of The Riverside Towers - Tower One.

When: Tuesday September 19, 2017 - 7:30-9:00pm

Where: 145 Point Drive NW (In the main lobby)

How Much: FREE

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Pirate Jim's Aloha Tuesday Kanikapila & Pot Luck Lūʻau - September 12, 2017

Aloha kakou! Hau'oli au! I am very excited about tonight's kanikapila. This week is going to be different. We are starting early and having a pot luck lu'au before the jam.

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Pirate Jim's Aloha Tuesday Kanikapila Reminder - September 5, 2017

This weeks kanikapila will be at Bowness Park - Site 3. (If it rains we'll be at the shack)

When: Tuesday September 5, 2017 - 7:30-9:00pm

Where: Bowness Park - Site 3 - 8900 48 Ave NW, Calgary, AB T3B 2B2

How Much: FREE

Why: Because we can and we should!

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Pirate Jim's Aloha Tuesday Kanikapila Reminder - July 25, 2017

Aloha Kakou!

Pehea'oe? Hou'oli au! Hou'oli aloha ka poalua! How are you? I am happy! Happy Aloha Tuesday! 

I am now almost finished up 2 months seizure free and I am so happy that 2 of the 4 tests I have had so far have come back clear of anything bad. I have 2 more tests to do before I am cleared to go back to delivering the mail (I now miss the daily exercise). YAY!!! You may also notice that this newsletter has changed names. It is no longer The Aloha Tuesday Newsletter and will be a Tuesday Kanikapila reminder only. My newsletter will now be published every Friday instead of Tuesday. The first edition of Pirate Jim's Aloha Friday Newsletter will be released this Friday July 28, 2017. All the newsletter information and narrative personal updates will be in this Friday newsletter. I will also be including a weekly video of the newsletter information and a possible future podcast. Every Friday you will watch stories about ukuleles, ukulele history, play along songs, interesting facts about the things I enjoy, updates on my Pirate Jim projects, and more. All these things will be posted on my youtube channel and links will be distributed through all social media channels I post on.

So see you again here and on Youtube this Friday!!!


Bring your ukulele and jam with us tonight at my Kanikapila & BBQ in BOWNESS PARK!

 *Bowness Park - Site 3 (If it rains we'll be at the shack)* 

I will be arriving early to have a BBQ dinner with my Ohana. Please join us if you want to. BYOB!!!

When: Tuesday July 25, 2017 - 7:30-9:00pm (BBQ around 5:00pm)

Where: Bowness Park - Site 3 - 8900 48 Ave NW, Calgary, AB T3B 2B2

How Much: FREE & BYOB for the BBQ

Why: Because we can and we should!

* Bring your music stand, a fold up chair (if you don't want to sit on the wooden benches), and bug spray! If you feel like joining in on the BBQ, please come around 5:00pm* 

Pirate Jim's Aloha Tuesday Newsletter - July 4, 2017

Aloha kakou!

Pehea'oe? How are you? I think I am starting to come down with a cold today myself, but other than that I feel good. It has been 28 days of being anxiety attack and seizure free. WOOT WOOT! I can deal with a little head cold than another seizure any day.

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