Pirate Jim's Aloha Tuesday Kanikapila - August 29, 2017

Aloha kakou! Pehea'oe? Maika'i au!

Hello everyone! How are you? I am good, however, I am still not allowed to drive or work yet. Sounds like it will be until the end of September. Although it is a bummer that I can not return to my normal life I am getting a lot of others things done. If it wasn't for our weekly jams I would definitely be in rough shape mentally right now. 

Unfortunately Stanis and I will not be able to come to the kanikapila tonight. My son Avery has his first football game of the 2017 season tonight, so we have to be there to support and cheer him on. Do not fret... The jam is still on! See you next week in Bowness Park.

This weeks jam will be at Arlin Amundrud's House!

When: Tuesday August 29, 2017 - 7:30-9:00pm

Where: Unit 3, 622 15 Av NE

How Much: FREE

Why: Because we can and we should!