Aloha Kakou!
Pehea oe? Maika'i au! How are you? I am good and I am very excited about tonight's kanikapila. This week is going to be different. We are starting early and having a pot luck lu'au before the jam. We will be celebrating and sending off in style a special hula dancerI am on her journey to the Smithsonian. I am very excited for her and can't wait to hear the stories about her experience when she returns in a few months. I will let Taraya fill you in on the details for tonight:
Hey everyone,
You are invited to my unofficial/informal going away kitchen party!
This is happening on a Tuesday night because it's the day when I have my hula dance classes and when Jim has his ukulele jam session. So we're combining the two together at my house for an official jam/dance session and an informal going away party.
When: Tuesday, Sept 12
Time: 6:30pm to 10pm or thereabouts. Show up anytime!
Location: 351 Coral Sands Terrace NE
POTLUCK!! - please bring something like fruit, veggies, cheese/crackers, desserts, your signature drink even if it's a non-alcoholic frozen lemonade, whatever you would like to provide. You don't need to bring a lot!
Also - if you play any musical instruments you are welcome to participate. We don't always do Hawaiian songs/dances!!
And if you want to sit back and watch, and enjoy a free kitchen party concert - you're welcome to do that as well!
Spouses and kids are welcome!
Parking - the drive away can accommodate 4 cars, so please load it up first. There is plenty of parking around the cul-de-sac, and into the next one if needed.