Aloha kakou!
Time is moving fast!!! It's only 17 days until Christmas. Holy !?%! That translates into 3 more Kanikapilas before Christmas. One of our club members, Regan, has given us an early present. His place! Oh wait... Please let me clarify that. He is opening up his house for us to meet tonight, not giving us a free house or something. Hmnnn.... A club house?? Maybe a magical club house that can take us anywhere we want to go? We all meet there and then tell the magic club house that we want to jam in Hawaii tonight, or Mexico, maybe even Norway? We should tell the uke'n elf below to ask Santa for one for us! Anyway... Thank you Regan for opening up your home for us roving ukulele lovers!
What: Pirate Jim's Kanikapila
Where: 84 Sandlewood Court NW
When: December 8, 2015 (tonight) - 7:30-9:00pm
How Much: $5.00 for non-members
If you have any questions or need directions please call 403-923-5704.
See you tonight!
A hui hou
- Pirate Jim
What an uke'n elf ya?